About The Author

About the Author

Introducing: Todd Marc

As the author is tech-savvy, pushing the boundaries of human achievement fascinates him. As he grew, he gave more thought to the manner, and reading science fiction broadened his horizons. He contemplated what could be the pinnacle of humanity’s success, and the answer was interstellar travel.

With this discovery came a rush of questions into his mind. What would we do after conquering the cosmos? Will we be at peace once and for all? Will we have enough resources to put an end to our meaningless wars? Or will we continue down the path of greed and hubris like many others have done before us?

To answer these questions, he researched multiple disciplines. He reached the boundaries of technology, touched the depths of history, and explored the complexities of politics. Finally, he found his answers and penned them in his latest series, The Human Space, the first book available now!

Todd about Todd

I am an engineer by education and profession and by all means writing should not be something I am good at.  But here we are. 

Growing up in distant corner of a small town (Alytus if anyone cares) in Lithuania I spend a lot of time on my own dreaming about what could be out there. What could be out there in the world and out beyond our reach. 

My imagination took me to the far reaches of the universe on great adventures finding a missing expedition, saving the world, and all of the human race. 

I might have grown up and my life took me halfway across the world to southern California, but I never stopped dreaming. And even so I still do not get to go on the actual adventures (except maybe hiking) I can at least write down what I imagine and share it with you. So, please let’s go explore the universe together.